Sunday, February 12, 2012

Exergen Thermometer Review and Giveaway

We are so relieved we aren't sick at the moment. That bout with a virus hit us like a ton of bricks. Once that was over I was offered to review the Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer, I agreed since after being sick my appreciation for a reliable thermometer is fresh!

So far, thankfully, I only used this on one occasion when I thought my infant had a fever. This thermometer is super easy to use, though it did take some practice with a squirmy three month old. I simply removed the cover, placed it on my son's forehead, pressed the button, swiped it to the side toward the ear, released the button, voila! I have an accurate reading, one of 1,000 taken per second. It has been tested to be at least as accurate as rectal readings.

Depending on how sleepy your child is, you may or may not wake them with this thermometer. It is gentle, but you do touch the baby's head lightly. Certainly better than a rectal thermometer! Even an ear one. To get an accurate reading the button must be pressed only while on the child's head, if you let go off the button after you move the thermometer away - it will not be accurate. You also must remove the cover for an accurate reading. Those are all things I've learned through trial and error, as well as other people's reviews. It's all in the directions, but apparently people do not carefully read those. I can also appreciate that it has silver to destroy any bacteria, mold, or fungi.

Thankfully my infant didn't have a fever that time! Whew! But it is great to have this handy gadget if you have children. It is affordable and available on Amazon for far below retail price (currently $32.30 with free shipping).

One of you will win an Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer!

If you're lost with Rafflecopter or don't know how to use it, check out this 45 second Rafflecopter video, it's simple! 

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I did not receive any payment for this review. I was provided a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are solely my own and your experience may differ. May contain affiliate links (please help us pay the bills and make a purchase if you find our product recommendations helpful).     


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