Summer - sun and bugs! To make summer fun, bearable, and safe, I turn to Badger. We've had such huge success with their Anti Bug Balm, I just bought another one recently. The whole stick lasted our family a year! Now I'm really excited to be trying the new Badger SPF 30 Anti-Bug Sunscreen. They've really nailed it by putting two products into one, so convenient with kids!
I know just the place we'll be using it this summer. There is a beach we love a short drive from where we live, but it is often swarmed with horse flies when we like to go there. Sunscreen and bug protection in one is just what we needed. I imagine this would be a life saver for camping, hiking, and outdoor sports. It has a strong smell of lemongrass and citronella, but hey, it keeps the bugs away - I do not mind at all. Like other mineral sunblocks, it can also give your skin a white tint at application. I would personally rather have that than apply carcinogenic, toxic sunscreens - especially being pregnant!

We also got to try the After Sun Balm (formerly Bali Balm). It has a light pleasant smell of essential oils, it is USDA Organic, and it is perfect for parched or dry skin. Hopefully you will not need it much if you use the Badger Sunscreen, but if you do burn, this is extremely soothing. It's great for dry skin year round, not just for summer.
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