Saturday, August 18, 2012

We're busy... {photos!}

... Enjoying what's left of summer! It's August and it feels like most of summer was spent at our local playground. Time for some variety! Only a 40 minute drive to Salisbury Beach and it is the first time we went this season. It was gorgeous, a beautiful evening for tasting sand for the first time :) Baby T actually surprised me, he didn't put sand in his mouth, he just dug his hands into it and was mesmerized be the texture. Then of course he had to put his sandy feet in his mouth while I changed a diaper.

Then it was our first time at the Bradley Palmer State Park Wading Pool on Thursday (above). Great to see so many other moms with same-age little kiddos, no judgmental looks from the childless folk, a very relaxing time. Not to mention that it is free (if you're willing to walk a mile from the free parking lot) or only $5 if you park right next to the pool.

(Dress above from Tea!)

Photos copyright Eco-Babyz.com!


  1. It's so crazy that summer is almost over!

  2. Looks like a great time! We just started school back but are going to try to get as much out of the summer as we can!


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