You'll be hard pressed to find a mom blogger who hasn't reviewed CSN stores. I happen to be one of them. I'm getting on the bandwagon though! While I have my own preferred online shopping places, I've discovered that CSN has an amazing selection for everything from green and Eco-friendly products, to swingsets, and great cookware. My sister moved to a new home this past summer, with four boys she'll definitely need to get a swingset in that new backyard. I know where to refer her! They have a set for every price range.
In the near future be on the lookout for a CSN review for a great wooden something that I think any toddler would love (especially those that go gaga over anything with wheels). Bonus: they have a great price on this outdoor toddler toy.
Disclaimer: I will be provided a CSN stores certificate to facilitate a review in return for this post.
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