Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Become a Hyperlocavore

Sure it is convenient to go to a supermarket and get all your groceries in one place. But has it ever crossed your mind what it took to grow the food, harvest it, package it, ship it, process it, etc? Take a look at this video and you will have a good idea of what your food goes through before getting to the supermarket. If it is at all convincing and inspiring, you can take steps now to becoming a hyperlocavore, a person who tries to eat as much food as locally as possible. Growing your own is as local as it gets, but not everyone has the time or the land - those who do can tell you how personally rewarding it is, not to mention cheap.

Gone are the times when all food sold was local food. Now you have to use your judgment, and if you really want to know what real food tastes like, either grow your own of buy at local farms. Do not automatically assume that this will be more expensive than buying at a supermarket, it can actually be cheaper if you join a CSA and split the crop with friends and family if you are concerned you will not be able to consume your share without waste. Local crops will also not spoil as fast as those that you buy at a grocery store which have already traveled thousands of miles and spent days in trucks. Not to mention that local farms do not use gallons of pesticides for every tomato. Try Local Harvest to find farms, farmer's markets, and CSAs near you!


  1. Hello! Ecobabyz! Thanks for blogging about being a hyperlocavore!

    You may have missed it but we have a site called hyperlocavore.com which is a social network designed to help folks form yardsharing arrangements and share notes on the experience of growing food together - to lower costs and impacts on the earth. We also hope that growing lots of our own food helps kids stay healthy and connected to their communities. Lots of folks are too busy to do it alone, but with a few friends and neighbors it makes a lot of sense!

    Take a look at 100 Reasons to Be a Hyperlocavore. There's probably two or three of those reasons that make sense for you!

    Take care!




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